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Central Chiller Plant

TCNJ Central Chiller Plant.

The Central Utilities Plant: Chiller Operation utilizes plant steam for the production of chilled water. This provides the summer component of year-round steam plant utilization. The chiller plant utilizes the latest technology including distributive controls located in the Central Utilities Plant control room.

All chillers and chilled water distribution systems are maintained on a regular basis to ensure the highest available efficiencies. The total capacity of the chiller plant is 6,200 tons; the firm capacity is 4,200 tons, calculated by subtracting the largest single unit capacity from the total plant capacity.

The chiller plant is optimized to provide the first 4,000 tons of cooling from the HRSG, which has a 40,000 pph capacity, and provides the most economical steam in the boiler plant. This is accomplished through the use of two 2,000 ton steam turbine powered centrifugal chillers with a steam rate of 10 lb. per ton. The next 1,200 tons of cooling is produced by an electric centrifugal chiller. The final 1,000 tons of cooling is produced by a single stage absorption chiller with a steam rate of 19 lb. per ton.

An underground 20-inch chilled water supply and return main has been constructed from the Central Utilities Plant to the far NW side of campus. This provides the required flow for the campus building capital expansion plan currently underway.

Planning Proposals

In support of the 2007 Campus Facilities Long-Range Plan, the following capital energy conservation projects are planned:

  • A cooling tower expansion will be done in FY 2011 including the addition of cells along with the replacement and increase in size of the condenser water piping for increased flow.
  • Increase the number of control points via the BMS system. There currently exist thermostats that are not DDC controlled.
  • Upgrade campus BMS system to provide greater control of building operations to optimize the use of chilled water.
  • A chiller plant expansion will be done in 2011 for an additional 1,500 tons of refrigeration. The chiller will either be an absorption chiller or steam turbine driven centrifugal, and the remaining single stage absorption chiller will be demolished.
  • Study the economic feasibility of additional onsite electric generation. Potential technologies include cogeneration, fuel cells, solar and wind.
  • To continue proactive energy conservation strategies, the College will pursue additional funding with cost savings justification based on net present value and life cycle cost analysis.